About Us

[This is] written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

John 20:31 (NIV)

Welcome, Friends!

Through stories, songs, the reading of Scripture, and other creative means, we are fleshing out the implications of Immanuel – God’s choice to be with us. This concept has been an inspiration to us artistically, because it suggests incredible and personal love from God to you

Friends, we believe that God loves you. And that is compelling! We want to create these stories and songs to help convince one another of this love. 

Our hope is that this project will help give you imagination for what “God with us” can feel like – so that you can live more fully out of this belief. We pray that as you read and listen and imagine with us, that you will experience our Lord in a more tangible and relatable way. We hope that leads to more fullness in your relationship with Him. Ultimately, we hope this leads you to worship. 


Stories have always been a huge part of my life. Growing up, my house was full of books and old musicals and make-believe, and this certainly fostered an active imagination.

About two years ago, I began to write short stories based on biblical characters. I like to call it “creative exegesis”. When I imagine what it would have been like for these characters to experience God when they did and how they did – it helps me. I’m able to connect that the God who met them in their brokenness, fear, sin, or joy, is the same God I claim as Lord. I can experience Him personally, too. This has certainly impacted my faith journey as I seek to know Him more and to convince myself of His trustworthiness and love.

My prayer is that it will help you, too. I hope you feel understood. I hope you connect to one of these characters or situations and it helps you feel that God is with you like He was with them.


From the time I was young, sound and music captivated me. I remember sitting on the screen porch with my eyes closed listening to the songs of nature singing through the wind. I remember “walking” In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg). Letting my imagination roam those halls and fill in the images of that place. I remember learning piano and guitar, and feeling a sense of “language”  come forth in my time with those instruments. I remember listening to albums that had a deep impact on my life and my faith. My journey with the Lord has been so helped by songs and music.

Songs can reach into different depths of the soul than words alone can. Songs and music are another way that the Lord speaks into our souls the truths of His ways. All throughout scripture, songs and music are called for because of the life changing impact it can have on us.

As we dive into this project, I pray that the Lord would use music and song and sound to speak life and truth into your life in meaningful ways.

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